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Felizmente que os homens já fazem anúncios aos detergentes

16 Maio, 2016

e assim se ganhou esse importantíssimo combate contra a sexualização da publicidade

11 comentários leave one →
  1. 16 Maio, 2016 14:20

    βeta-males revolution lol


  2. 16 Maio, 2016 14:29

    Beta male characteristics And Beta male Traits :

    1.Weak And Submissive Body Language.Read Secrets of body Language
    2.Tends to give up easily in the face of failure.
    3.Beta male Uses the word, “sorry” a lot He apologizes to others for no reasons.
    4.too sensitive and insecure regarding everyone’s opinion of him.
    5.Has no goals or aspirations.
    6.Doesn’t stay calm and focused. Talks with rushed speech and give off a nervous vibe. In other words, “panicky.”
    7.he cares a lot about what others think of him.
    8.I can’t do this because…” when in reality, he just doesn’t want to do something.
    9.He is Beta male characteristics make you notice that his weird stupid or something
    10.Always Panic In A Crisis.
    11. The worst Beta male characteristic is He Acts Before he Thinks.
    12.Beta male Blame Others .
    13.he constantly is trying to prove himself.
    14.he plays the role of the victim.
    15. Beta male: Makes excuses. Every time there’s something he can’t do, he has an excuse, and feels like he needs to explain it to those around him.
    16.Needs affirmation from others. Is obsessed with how others think of him.
    17.Talks fast, always seems to be nervous or in a rush.
    18.Lives life by the day not really knowing what he wants. Will waste time on the couch, rather than doing something productive. He is lazy and passive.
    19.Gives up when he fails. Sees no point in trying and is fearful of facing failure again.
    20.Uses the word, “sorry” a lot – even when it doesn’t belong in the conversation. He apologizes to others because he feels he might have offended them somehow.
    21. Always searching for approval and attention.
    22.He wants to be perfect all the time.
    23.Will never admit to his faults and mistakes.
    24.Gets jealous really easily when he sees his girl talking or flirting with another guy.
    25.Easily blows his stack. He loses his temper when someone else criticizes him or when a girl disrespects him.
    26.If he loses his girl, he loses all hope in life and thinks that he cannot live without “the one” – her.
    Stop being a little bitch.
    27.Did he take a shower? Did he get dressed in the dark? It’s like he is always messy, dirty, or poorly groomed.
    28.Is afraid to meet new people.
    29.Poor body language – slouches. He stands and sits uncomfortably, as if he is nervous.
    30.Looks to quickly get into a relationship, as if he is desperate for a girlfriend.
    31.Becomes wide-eyed when he sees someone do something.
    32.He Is a pushover with women. He is willing to commit to a woman as soon as they give him the greenlight.
    33.Women are his number one priority.
    34.He isn’t forceful, assertive, or a leader.
    35.He prefers to follow others and stay under the radar.
    36.beta male is friendly guy who is easy to get along with.
    37.At their worst, beta males can be unmotivated, lacking in passion, needy, and whiny.
    38.They don’t fit the evolutionary desired leadership traits of provider and protector.
    39. the beta males they typically get friend zoned.
    40.careful man who avoids risk and confrontation. Beta males lack the physical presence, charisma and confidence of the Alpha male.
    41.The Beta male tends to be smart, quiet and unconfrontational.
    42.betas aren’t particularly sensitive or even meek, they just are much more follower than leader.
    43.Plenty of insecure, pushy, loud guys are betas.
    44.A beta male is a male who buys into the feminist lie that men should be subservient to women.
    45.A man that is unsure what to do next, yet willing to do it, whatever it may be.
    46.beta males are plagued with anxiety, insecurity, and are all around dominated by their peers.
    47. A clingy, moody, and sometimes feminine man in both his mannerisms and habits.
    48.He si very shy the fear of stops him from doing lot of things.
    49.Always trying to dominate and prove you are better than someone else
    50.Constantly seeking reassurance and approval from peers.
    51.He does not understand that women desire confidence and willpower in a man.
    52.He believes that he must buy women things in order to garner their attention.
    53.He believes that being submissive to a woman, caring, and gentle, will result in her returning his affection.

    This is all You need to know about Beta male characteristics and how to avoid them.


  3. Arlindo da Costa permalink
    16 Maio, 2016 15:12

    Na Europa e na América isto já é possível
    Na Rússia e em Cuba isso é heresia.


  4. 17 Maio, 2016 08:39

    Que caixa é aquela onde ele põe a camisa?


  5. 17 Maio, 2016 10:03

    mas este é um anúncio para gays ,tira a calcinha , tira , tira , mostra o rabo , mostra , mostra , ai ui , pulinhos e tal 😉 logo entra para aqui qualquer coisa de exploração sexual estereotipada do homem passivo homem activo , non ?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Harry Lime permalink
    17 Maio, 2016 14:15

    Não sei se o tipo que escreveu isto é um alpha male, um beta male ou um conas.

    A única coisa que eu sei é que o inglês dele é pior do que o do meu cão.


  7. 19 Maio, 2016 12:07

    Emasculação A BEM DA NAÇÃO.


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